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Starship Tempest

Dec 30, 2020

Aliza Pearl, T'Lan from Geek and Sundry's "Shield of Tomorrow" series and now GMing her own Klingon based campaign on Queue Times on Twitch, joins Brian for an interview about Star Trek and Star Trek Adventures, roleplaying games and GMing, race and social issues in the space, and a webseries from 10 years ago that...

Dec 23, 2020

Join Brian, Tara, Ryan, Travis, and Matt as we reflect on diving into RPGs for the first time for most of us and what we've learned and adapted to over the course of the first season.

Dec 16, 2020

In this bonus supplemental episode, Ryan, Brian, and Tara are joined by listener and Patreon supporter - but not a prior long time Star Trek fan - about what aspects of the Tempest campaign and how it fits into the larger timeline and universe of the Star Trek franchise.

Dec 9, 2020

In this bonus episode, Brian, Ryan, and Travis discuss their thoughts on the first season of the Star Trek animated series "Lower Decks."

Dec 2, 2020

In this bonus episode, Brian dives further into the nitty gritty of how to play Star Trek Adventures, laying out some of the finer points of mechanics that affect a player's odds of success.